With Agile and Beyond Mentoring, you can...
Acquire knowledge in a safe environment...
Knowledge acquisition
In a safe environment you acquire knowledge, international experience, and expertise related to a specific field, such as Agile transformations, business strategy, design thinking, etc. You share knowledge with your mentor in a relationship of mutual trust, and receive independent, unbiased advice. You gain intelligence and experience - learning from proof, not opinion.

Build your emotional intelligence and wisdom...
Reflection, motivation, empathy
Emotions play a huge role in all relationships. Agile and Beyond helps you to deepen your emotional intelligence, comprising five key elements: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. In addition your mentor leads you to discover your own intuitive wisdom, and to develop self-reliance, an open, nimble approach to your experiences, using creativity and flexibility. Cultivating an attitude of self-acceptance and curiosity supports your development of both self-reliance and wisdom.
Expand your cross-cultural capabilities...
Teaming Across Boundaries
Acquiring culture wisdom helps you to develop an appreciation for diversity of perspective. It broadens your outlook and allows you to think in a more flexible way. Having more ideas translates into more possible solutions for you through a collaborative multicultural approach. Enhanced cross-cultural capabilities increase your ability to communicate across boundaries whether they be of hierarchy, generation, specialization, ethnicity, or nationality. Familiarity with the language of different groups allows you to communicate the ideas and opinions of each group efficiently to the other. Rich informal networks improve productivity and efficiency - leading to more action, more innovation, more learning and swifter adjustments to changing business needs.

Refine your infinite purpose and vision...
Vision discovery
With support you discover, refine, and simplify a clear, infinite, compelling purpose and vision. We aim to align your values and needs to what is of utmost importance to you - your dreams and purpose.
Map and navigate your path to success...
Divergent and Convergent Thinking
After you have simplified a clear and infinite vision you redefine your challenge, validate a solution, and iterate. Your mentor guides you along this journey several times until you resolve your problem. Using divergent thinking, you collect data, ideate, and develop all possible solutions, enabling you to overcome your obstacle in new ways. You use creative decision making, including analysis, synthesis, hypotheses, and knowledge creation, to evaluate every course of action. Using convergent thinking, you select the best realistic option, and validate your choice. With constructive feedback you build your confidence, enthusiasm, and passion.

Coaching, Mentoring, Agile Business Strategy, Future Questing, and Design Thinking engagements built for you
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