New “Normals”
Systemic Shifts
Tipping Points
The Great Transformation
The world falls into chaos. Everyone freaks out. These events are all connected. They arise from a systemic shift. This podcast explores this new "normal" and imagines potential solutions.
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Climate Change Escalation – A New Normal – Episode 22
Climate Change Escalation – A New NormalClimate change approaches ever faster. The 1972 study “The Limits of Growth” showed that we would eventually reach...
21: The Benefits of Mob Programming: Team Learning and Communication
Episode 21 Discussion on Mob Programming with Dawna Jones and the MoberatorsLast year Dawna Jones, host of the Evolutionary Provocateur and Insight to Action...
20: Change Management, Compensation, Engagement
Episode 20 Discussion with Rose Fan and Molly DishmanListen to episode 20 of Agile and Beyond! Listen and Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher,...
19: Journey Mapping, Startup Threats, and Building Inspiration
Episode 19 Discussion with Rose Fan and Molly DishmanListen to episode 19 of Agile and Beyond! Listen and Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher,...
18: Team Building and Diverse Perspectives
Episode 18 Discussion with Rose Fan and Molly DishmanListen to episode 18 of Agile and Beyond! Listen and Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher,...
16: Attractive Workplace Cultures – A Millennial Perspective
Episode 16 Discussion with 4 Millennials: Alix Erie, Jijo Mathew, Anastasia Button, and Josh SchafferListen to episode 16 of Agile and Beyond! Listen and...
17: Lean Enterprise Transformations
Episode 17 Discussion with Rose Fan and Molly DishmanListen to episode 17 of Agile and Beyond! Listen and Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher,...
1: From Insight to Action
Episode 1 a Discussion with Dawna Jones
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
Latest Episode:
"Climate Change Escalation - A New Normal"

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