15: Making the Very Complex… Awesomely Simple

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John Spence

Agile and Beyond

15: Making the Very Complex... Awesomely Simple – John Spence

September 15, 2016

Dan Feldman

I was very fortunate to have spoken with John Spence.

John is one of the top 100 business thought leaders and one of the top 500 leadership development experts in the world.

He is an international keynote speaker and management consultant, and has written seven books on business and life success.

Along with Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Jeff Bezos, John was listed as one of American Management Association’s Leaders to Watch in 2015.

In a free-form conversation, we covered a myriad of topics, including the following: the biggest problem that companies face, the components of great cultures, the evolution of leadership in business, and potential responses to the massive technological disruption which we are now undergoing.

We had a blast. John's infectious laughter made the interview an absolute joy.

The Agile and Beyond website, agileandbeyond.co, is now live. To see the show notes for this interview, please visit the site.

And without further ado please welcome to my conversation with John Spence.

Show Notes

Business Books

  • Letters to a CEO. The business book that John shared an advanced copy with me in April 2014.


Marshall Goldsmith, Leadership Coach

Leonardo da Vinci

Formula for Business Success, Business Fundamentals

Disciplined Execution, Accountability, Delegation

Strategic Thinking and Planning

Introverts, Extroverts, and Ambiverts

Million Dollar Round Table

Top 100 Thought Leader

His Biggest Influences

A Reference that I Made

Books Charlie Owen Shared with Him

How to Get a Job – Organizations and Resources Mentioned

Companies with Great Cultures and Good Leaders

Great Cultures

Life-Work Balance

Leadership Styles

Vision, Mission, and Values

The Future of Leadership

Abundance 360

Rise of the Robots / Jobloss

Robotic Nurses

Robot Bartenders

Professional Listeners / Professional Job Loss Comforters

Robot Hotels

Self-Driving Trucks

Unconditional Basic (Minimum) Income

Pilotless Airplanes

Gainesville, University of Florida, Skeeters Big Biscuits

Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, John!

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